What is Reiki?

Reiki is positive healing energy that works through the Chakras.  The Chakras allow our “life energy” to enter and circulate through our physical body, and they also contain our psychological, emotional and spiritual states of being.  Blocked chakras slow the flow of energy, which can then lead to illness.  Reiki is healing energy that opens, strengthens, and balances the Chakras.  Acupuncture, which is widely accepted as beneficial, is a form of Energy Healing.

Often, people are questioning of Energy Healing because it’s not a tangible product they can hold in their hands.  I respect this skepticism. Honestly, the only way for you to understand the power and effectiveness of Reiki is to try a Reiki session on your own.  No amount of googling or researching can replace your own personal experience with Reiki.  I know, because I’ve done all that before I had my first Reiki session.

The Universe is full of energy.  If you are familiar with mainstream science, you know that mass and energy are different forms of the same thing.  Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2 is the mathematical expression of this truth:  “Energy is Mass”;  “Mass is Energy.”  And even in solid mass, the particles (atoms) are always vibrating.

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses “Universal Energy.”   This energy supports the body’s innate healing abilities. Reiki Practitioners access and guide this energy, allowing it to flow into and through the body and facilitate healing.

Because Reiki is Energy Healing, the Reiki I perform does not require any physical touch whatsoever. Reiki also has the unique ability to be done via distance: Distance Reiki is just as effective as in-person Reiki.

Reiki has become accepted and offered by many mainstream medical establishments.  To learn more about reputable establishments offering Reiki, do an internet search for  “hospital reiki”.