Services Offered

Distance Reiki — Positive energy, guided by Universal Wisdom and channeled by the Reiki Master’s intent.  Traditionally done in-person, I have personally found distance Reiki to be more effective.   Reiki energy always works for the best positive outcome.  Similar to acupuncture, Reiki is “energy work” based on the life force energy which flows through us.  Distance Reiki is what makes it possible for me to send Reiki to people in foreign countries, or hospitals.  It also allows me to do effective Particular Situation Reiki.  To read more about how Distance Reiki works and why it is so effective, please read my article “Why Distance Reiki Sessions Are Better Than In-Person Sessions”

NOTE! — According to about 99% of my clients, the energy I facilitate is not just Reiki Master, but much stronger and energetic.  In fact, I am starting to refer to my modality simply as “energy healing” rather than “Reiki.”  I’m happy to be able to go above and beyond the traditional Reiki sessions! — In fact, I have found that even 5 minutes of the energy I work with far exceeds a 60-minute (traditional) Reiki Master energy session.


Photo Reading — In conjunction with facilitating the highest vibrational energy, I have the ability to “see” a picture you show me as energy rather than a physical object — it morphs and even moves, and I am able to see all sorts of energetic forms within, and then do energy healing appropriately.  This is an ability which I had not heard or learned about — I stumbled upon it on my own.


Crystal Grids — Reiki energy,  24/7 – for yourself, others, pets, and/or situations.  Quartz crystals have an energy memory.  By arranging Reiki-infused crystals in a synergistic pattern, a Reiki-energy vortex is created, and Reiki energy is directed to a particular intention. Although crystal grids naturally retain energy, I energize mine at least twice a day.


Aura Cleansing — The cause of most illness and disease is negative psychic energy in the aura.  Also referred to as “psychic surgery,” Aura Cleansing removes this negative energy.  Most people report immediate positive results after Aura Cleansing.  I do very strong and effective distance aura cleansing.


Home & Office Clearing — Negative/dark energies in the home or office is often a major cause of ineffective or failing social or professional relationships.  A Reiki Clearing Session can remove these unwanted energies, which is the first step towards restoring harmony. I do very strong and effective distance clearing sessions.


Home/Office/Car/Plane/Boat Protection — Reiki energy can be used to treat spaces with the intent of creating a safety shield from psychic and physical harm.  Wish to protect your house or office from negative events?  Wish to promote safe and comfortable traveling?  — If so, consider Reiki energy protection! I do very strong and effective distance protection sessions.


Particular Situation Reiki — Do you wish for support and guidance regarding a particular situation?  Whether it be a current or upcoming situation, Reiki will support the best outcome.  Situations usually involves multiple people and spans of time, and Reiki will address all these variables.  I’ve found that Distance Reiki is best suited for Particular Situation Reiki.  Reiki can also go back in time to address root causes of a particular situation.


Violin 432 Chakra Tuning — As a trained, professional, classical violinist, I’m excited to offer pure and beautifully resonant Sound Therapy to awake, strengthen and balance the chakras.  With my violin tuned to the ancient and sacred tuning of A=432 frequencies, and guided by Universal Wisdom while simultaneously streaming Reiki, you will experience the entire gamut of frequencies and overtones which are often created one-at-a-time via Tibetan singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks.  Book ahead for availability, as times are limited.  Please do not limit yourself to the commercial and widespread recordings of healing sounds, as many of the infinitely beautiful resonances and vibrations have been electronically filtered out and lost.


Reiki Attunements — TEMPORARILY ON HOLD until COVID-19 is resolved, as they need to be done in-person to be truly effective.   Receiving Reiki Attunements will enable you to receive the Reiki Energy. Because it’s my personal philosophy that this amazing healing energy is good for our Earth, our Mankind, and our Universe, I have decided to depart from the traditional higher fees normally charged for receiving the Reiki Attunements.  And while mass-attunements with many students in one class are effective, I feel a spiritual calling  to Attune individually.  Thus, Reiki Attunements are not full-day classes with many students.  I also feel it’s important for me to be responsible and honest in my selection of who I choose to Attune.  Reiki is not a “gimmick” or a “product” — it is a way of life.  Reiki Attunements aren’t merely a “product to buy.”  Thus, I have structured fees and prerequisites accordingly.

— Reiki Level I Attunement — Attunement to the Reiki Power Symbol. Allows you to stream Reiki through your hands.  I would recommend this Attunement for your physical self-healing.  Prerequisites:  Having received at least three Reiki sessions from me.

— Reiki Level II Attunement — Attunement to the Reiki Power, Mental, and Distance Symbols. Allows you to stream Reiki to yourself and others and perform mental/emotional healing, and Distance Reiki.  You can also use this Reiki level to cleanse and protect your areas, and make crystal grids.  Prerequisites: Having obtained Reiki Level 1, and run that energy on yourself for at least 2 weeks.  Having received at least 2 Reiki sessions from me after you are Level 1.

— Reiki Level III Attunement, (Advanced Reiki) — Attunement to the Reiki Power, Mental, Distance, and Reiki-Master Symbols.  The Attunement to the Reiki Master Symbol significantly increases the Reiki Level II effectiveness.  Prerequisites:  Having obtained Reiki Level 1, Level 2, and received at least 2 Reiki sessions from me after you are Level 2.

— Reiki Level IV Attunement (Reiki Master) — Attunement to the Reiki Power, Mental, Distance, Master Symbols — as well as two more Reiki Symbols which enable you to teach Reiki and Attune others to all Reiki levels.  Prerequisites: You have already made the Reiki Philosophies a part of your daily life.  You have been streaming the Reiki energy several times each day for months, as you have felt called to it and are very comfortable with it.  You have the genuine desire to be able to Attune others for their benefit and the benefit of mankind in general.  Your vision and passion and calling is to heal people, plants, animals, the world.  It’s not for egoic reasons.  You feel grateful being compensated for your time when you do energy sessions and attunements, but you are also called to pay it forward to those who cannot afford a session.


— Explanation of the Attunement Fee structure —  I am called to Reiki because it is does the best for all involved.  I am passionate about sharing this Healing Energy and it is my desire that we, as human beings, spiritually evolve.  I don’t think that spiritual advancement should be inaccessible due to large monetary fees.  To be effective at Reiki one must first experience Reiki, and then to progress to higher levels one must practice daily and live a Reiki lifestyle.  While many Reiki Masters require their students to practice up to a year between Reiki Levels, from my experience this lengthy a time period is not necessary, (especially between the First and Second Attunements); however,  progression to higher Reiki Levels does take time, experience and practice.   The prerequisites are structured to support the appropriate Reiki Attunement levels.  Becoming a Reiki Master is not to feed the ego, but rather to commit oneself to the significant commitment of lifelong spiritual self-improvement.  The Attunement of Reiki Master endows the recipient with the ability to Attune others to Reiki, which is a tremendous moral/ethical/spiritual commitment:  one should not be Attuning for money; one should be Attuning for the highest spiritual ideals.  While Attunement to Reiki I is relatively simple, it is still life-changing to the recipient. Reiki II, on the other hand, requires much more learning/teaching.  Reiki III (Advanced Reiki) is relatively simple, assuming the student is comfortable and experienced in practicing Reiki II.  The commitment to the significant role of Reiki Master is a big deal, and really not necessary for the vast majority of Reiki Practitioners.


Pet Reiki — Most pets and animals love Reiki. Often, pets have emotional trauma from their past handling (especially rescue animals), and Reiki’s emotional healing modalities, in conjunction with transcending time and space, can work towards a positive resolution and healing. I do very strong and effective distance pet reiki.


Chakra Balancing — Chakras that are off-balance become manifested in physical and emotional ailments.  Chakra Balancing removes blockages and revitalizes less energetic chakras, to create an overall balance. I do very strong and effective distance chakra balancing.


Healing Attunements —  A Healing Attunement is similar to a Reiki Attunement.  The same high-frequency energies which are used for Reiki Attunements is channeled, but with the intention of deep healing.  Positive affirmations and self-esteem are instilled into the psyche/aura. I do very strong and effective distance healing attunements.


Reiki Quartz Crystal — How would you like to have part of a Reiki-radiating crystal grid to keep?  Reiki Quartz Crystals can be placed in a location, or carried with you.  After picking uncut, natural quartz crystals, I clear and clean them three times:  in the Pacific Ocean salt water on the beach, under the full moon, and with Reiki.  In a Reiki Session, I then stream Reiki into your Quartz Crystal, which instills it with the perfect Reiki energy for your intentions.  Reiki Quartz Crystals are made one-at-a-time, and can be mailed to you.


Crystals Reiki Infusion — I will recharge your Reiki Quartz Crystal, or Reiki infuse your own crystals. I do very strong and effective distance Reiki crystal infusion sessions.


Reiki Photo — This photo is taken just for you, and is infused with the highest Reiki energies during a Reiki session I do especially for your photo.  This photo is a powerful tool for supporting whatever positive intentions you have whether it be for Healing, or for Inspiration, Success, Happiness, or a Particular Situation.  Reiki photos are delivered via text messages:  save them on your phone and view them at any time.