My Thoughts

An online, e-book, guiding you on your continuing journey towards a better life path.

This content was written entirely by Bernard Jain and is copyrighted material.  I am allowing you to share this content with others as long as you don’t give yourself or others credit for writing it.  I would actually appreciate it if you would share this content by sharing this website.  But, you’re welcome to cut & paste parts of it as necessary, or even repost it, as long as you don’t give credit to someone else.  (Example:  You’re welcome to post this on your own blog, but if people assume it’s your content, then that’s not ethical.  Please do as I would do with you, and simply give credit where credit is due.)

NOTE: To pay me for an energy session, CLICK HERE to use PayPal. Thank you!


Change Your Own Life — How to Truly Manifest and Heal with Energy and Reiki

by Bernard Jain, Reiki Master

Healing Energy And Light Reiki


Note!:  This is a work in progress!  I continue to add and revise content. 


Why Distance Reiki Sessions Are Better Than In-Person Sessions.

Energy healing is just about that:  energy!  The number one thing that will interfere with an energy session and thus reduce its effectiveness is… EGO.  Ego is basically the “material world” — and includes all our perceptions and judgments.  Ego is what gets in the way of effective energy healing!  This is why you close your eyes, take deep breathes to relax, and clear your mind during an energy session for it to be most effective.  Even thinking “good thoughts” is ego (although it’s better for you than thinking “bad thoughts”). So, when you go for an in-person Reiki session, both you and the Reiki practitioner are forced to confront the “worldly ego” to some degree:  “Hello, how are you?… ” “Oh, I had a stressful day…” “Wow, crazy weather today…” “It’s nice to be able to relax now…”  etc.

This is why I do Distance Reiki sessions and don’t even talk on the phone.

The logistics are simple enough (setting a time; sharing the most important information) that it’s 100% through texting.  I keep communication to the bare minimum.   It’s all about the energy.  All that’s necessary and desirable for an energy session is the receiver’s intention.  I have even done countless distance energy sessions on people who told me absolutely  nothing, not even their intentions, and I didn’t even know their names or locations.  And the energy flow each time was phenomenal!  Afterwards, they had given me feedback on how effective the sessions had been (again, via texting).

And what about the benefit of being able to just RELAX in the security and comfort of your own space?  For both the receiver and the Reiki Practitioner, by the way.  I’ll be honest and transparent with you:  I, myself, do better and more focused energy when I’m able to sit on my favorite couch or stand over my crystal grid in the comfort of my home.  It also allows me to send you energies from incredibly energetic places (aka “energy vortexes”) in nature, whether it be the ocean, the mountains, or even from a sailboat on the ocean.  I also have other specialties that I’ve developed on my own, such as tapping into the infinite energies of our beautiful earth and nature.  I’ve discovered some “energy vortexes” while exploring the local geography, places where people don’t go in nature (I like to hike/walk/explore off the beaten path…), and I love to do very powerful energy sessions from those places whenever I can.


The Logistics of a Distance Energy Session

It’s very simple:  We agree upon a time for the energy session via text messaging.  You tell me your intention and if you are comfortable with it, send a current selfie.  I have a very strong gift of working through the visual (you can read about this later in this e-book) as I can see the pure energies.  You sit or lie back, close your eyes, clear your mind, take 7 or 8 very deep and slow breathes, and … that’s it!  I send the energies and then touch base with you when I am wrapping up the session.  (Note: be aware of the “Energy Trance” — read about it below.  Set an alarm if you need to be somewhere after the session.)  It’s also OK to fall asleep, especially if the session is right before your normal bedtime — in that case, you will transition from your session into completely “non-egoic” sleep, which is actually another form of energy.  Sleeping either during or immediately after the session allows the energy flow to better access your aura and chakras.


About Receiving “Detailed Reports” of Energy Sessions

I prefer to spend my clock-time and energies doing “real energy!” — rather than typing up elaborate and ego-appealing “Reports” of sessions.  My goal is to spend time and resources to facilitate the highest vibrational energies that go deep and heal people, take them closer to their higher selves,  and guide them to their higher life paths. I don’t always receive “messages” from the Universe during a session, but when I do, I always share them with the receiver.  Most people who work with me find that THEY receive messages and signs from the Universe directly, both in their everyday physical world experience, as well as in the form of vivid or lucid dreams.  But of course I will tell you the basic details of what happened during the session!  (Just not a long elaborate “report”).


Physical Situations Come from Energy

In other words, energy leads us to our physical situations, not the other way around.  Is it possible to turn around a physical situation that has manifested over years of energy?  Perhaps!  But also perhaps not.  I’ve also found, from my own experience in healing energy, that “miraculous” events in the physical world that I’ve manifested through energy will only be temporary UNLESS the root cause of them is addressed and healed.  I’ve healed a severely twisted/sprained ankle in the wilderness in 3 minutes back to normal, only to re-injure it a month later, just as badly.  It was a journey I needed to go through.  As such, yes, we can attempt to “patch” the leaking dike temporarily, and it may or may not work.  And I’ve helped people do that many times.  But, in the big picture, I’m hoping that people see the reasons why their situations were manifested through them to begin with, and how they can change their lives for the better in all aspects, not just the immediate presentation of a physical dramatic event.


DISCLAIMER:  Physical problems often need to be addressed immediately via PHYSICAL means.  For example:  It’s true that a heart attack is the culmination of a life-time of energetically believing that one wasn’t “loveable,” but an energy session will NOT address those issues and make the heart attack go away…  it’s too late!  As such, someone having a heart attack is advised to seek immediate medical attention from a licensed medical doctor.  Same thing with other physical ailments:  they all come from energetic reasons, but now that they’ve manifested, seek medical attention.


Healing Multiple Pre-Existing Physical Conditions At Once

I suppose the “good news” is that multiple physical ailments often stem from ONE energetic root . YET on the other hand, somebody who has even ONE “simple” physical ailment can have many layers of energetic dysfunction…

So, regarding energy healing… will one session help?  Yes, it will, but if somebody already has deep-set physical manifestations, ESPECIALLY FOR A LONG TIME, there is a reason for that… and there is “momentum”… and as such one session most likely will not immediately reverse even one symptom. So, what is necessary for PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS to reverse?…

It will take time, it will not be overnight.  YES, I have seen “overnight miracles” but most of them were not indicative of the root energetic cause being healed or resolved.  THE KEY IS TO RESOLVE THE ROOT ENERGETIC CAUSE(S).  Root causes include:  dysfunctional belief systems, useless belief systems, trauma from traumatic events, abuse, etc.  The person receiving the energy needs to be 100% invested in themselves, in changing their life path for a different one which is better for their higher good.  Every change in life path ultimately comes from within the person, NOT from an external person.  What any good and honest energy healer does is provide highest vibrational energies to support and encourage transformation within the person who is willingly receiving and who already has the intention to resolve those root issues.  Also, just like anything else in life, you want ONE CLEAR INTENTION during the energy healing session.  With that ONE CLEAR INTENTION I can go deep into the person’s aura and do the healings that the Universe guides me to do. Usually getting to the root of that intention will also help everything else! Going on a jog helps more than just your legs! MOST root dysfunctions are like an onion, or a stubbier plantar wart! — they take multiple healings. After one healing, the goal is for the receiver to be at a whole new energy level. THEY need to then do everything they can to KEEP THEMSELVES at that level. Self work, soul-searching, meditation, as well as applicable self-help audiobooks, etc. (I can recommend a few amazing ones which are free when the time comes to it). After doing their own part, the person will FEEL their growth and feel much better/lighter, EVEN if the physical ailment is not gone. When they feel they have “plateaued” on their ascension to a better life path, that’s the perfect time for another energy session. The session could have the same intention, or better yet, address a different physical ailment. Multiple physical ailments almost always are related. EXAMPLES OF AN INTENTION: “I have panic attacks and I want them to go away.” Now, for people with MANY physical symptoms, YES IT IS OK TO MENTION ALL OF THEM AT ONCE, as it will help me see the overall big picture, but just be aware that we can only work on ONE of them at a time  in a very targeted fashion.


Emotional Feeling Determine High or Low Vibrational Energy

EMOTIONAL FEELINGS are what create our energy vibrations, and low vibrations attract more low vibrations (bad situations/people in life), as well as cause physical disease over time.  The goal is to, no matter what, however you can do it, to FEEL EMOTIONALLY GOOD.  One simple way I recommend is to feel GRATEFUL.  Just find ANYTHING, it doesn’t matter how small, and feel grateful for it.  Don’t THINK grateful, but emotionally FEEL grateful.  For example, let’s say your car ran out of gas and you are stranded on the highway, 1 mile away from a gas station, and it’s raining, and you need to walk to get gas.  Don’t feel angry that the car ran out of gas.  Feel oh, oh so incredibly grateful that you HAVE a car, that we can use fuel/energy to create warmth and heat, that you have the ability to see, to drive, to experience… that you’re not dying of thirst… that you are on a road, and close to civilization… that soon you will be warm, cozy, and protected in the car from the rain outside…  WHEN YOU FEEL GRATEFUL, IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO FEEL BAD AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.  So, you see, it’s a balancing game.  Ask yourself, WHAT PERCENT of your day do you FEEL GOOD/GRATEFUL, and what percent are you feeling anxious, annoyed, resentful, angry, worried, scared, unsure, etc…?   You see, it’s really easy to get rid of negative emotions by just feeling ONE POSITIVE emotion.  Such as feeling grateful.   WHEN YOU FEEL GOOD, EMOTIONALLY, EVERYTHING ELSE WILL (SLOWLY OR QUICKLY) FALL INTO PLACE!


Energy Healing to Terminally Ill and Dying People

When somebody dies, they can die in pain and with regret, or closer to their higher self.


Of course it’s better if somebody passes on to another dimension with a clear feeling of knowing their higher self, and with peace and ultimately then it becomes their decision to pass on… they are no longer the “victim” of physical circumstances.


I have been contacted at least 6 or 7 times now, over the years, to do energies on somebody whose physical condition dictated that they were going to die.  In all of these cases, the person did die.. .


BUT!!! — SOMETHING REMARKABLE happened each and every time immediately after I did energy sessions on them:  they seemingly “turned around” for the better immediately… whereby doctors and family/friends all had “hope” that they were going to survive, based upon the fact that each of these peoples’ pain was less or went away completely, they were happy, they were not mentally or physical suffering constantly…  people who couldn’t eat started to eat, people who couldn’t sleep could sleep, etc.


BUT, THEN, after a period of time (varied for each person, but I’d say the average time period was about one week), the person died… peacefully.   They died either in their sleep, or with a loved one with them, with a smile on their lips.


I have found a pattern, which of course is a deep truth, that these people who were open to the higher energies were able to dissolve negative belief systems and blockages in their last days of life.  (Note: I do need to clarify that I of course don’t take 100% credit for these things.  I’m merely a humble facilitator of Universal and God-like energies, giving my small contribution to the big picture of “life” and “spirit” the best I can.)  It’s normal that death accelerates this process (when somebody knows they are about to die soon), and I believe that sometimes the energy healing was like a catalyst to speed this up tremendously.  OR you could say it helped the process take place SOONER:  for most people who are suffering or unhappy in life, they find peace a moment



Reiki and Energy Healing Transcends Clock Time

I know this might sound far-fetched/unreal, but in the past I’ve been able to “go back in time” and “reprogram” (or alter) situations so that the upcoming outcome turned out for the best. Quick example (and I have many): young man has court summons, accused of battering girlfriend (but he didn’t; she was jealous and called 911 in a fit of anger), he contacted me hours before the hearing… I told him to believe that it all never happened, to really trust that belief… I did Reiki energy streaming intensely for an hour… when he got to court, they told him to come back in an hour… when he went back after an hour, they told him they couldn’t find the paperwork, and so they wrote on a piece of paper “case dismissed.”



Physical Manifestations and “Instant Healing”

From my own experience and insight, physical manifestations need physical interventions most of the time to address them. Also, unless the root energetic cause of the problem is healed, the physical problem will continue to return and/or get worse.  In the case that something physical IS resolved immediately (such as my severely sprained ankle after a few minutes of me doing Reiki on it, in the wilderness in Alaska one summer), the energetic reason FOR that condition must be identified shortly thereafter, and resolved… or the physical condition (or something similar) can/will come back. I couldn’t figure out the reason for my ankle injury, and even though it was 100% “normal” (aka like a miracle recovery within one minute, literally), I severely twisted the same ankle a month later. And it took me about a year to figure out (in my case) what the reason was, energetically… and the whole time the ankle stayed swollen and painful! But once I figured out what the issue was, and addressed it energetically/spiritually, the ankle immediately resolved and healed well.



How Do I Grow From Energy Sessions? “The Allegory of the Rabbit and the Wall”

A rabbit is walking down the street. The rabbit comes across a high wall.  The rabbit is happy with life and does not NEED to go over the wall, but the rabbit knows that if he could do that, then he would simply have more options and be more powerful in life, having a better perspective (to be at a higher level).   So, what to do?  The rabbit seeks out a kangaroo who DOES have the ability to jump over the high wall.  Now, the kangaroo could simply pick up the rabbit and lift him over the wall.  And then, the rabbit would be on the other side of the wall.  BUT… would the rabbit have grown in talents or ability from this helping act?  What about the next wall… ?    So, instead of just being hoisted over the wall the rabbit has the intention of learning how to do it himself.  He works with the kangaroo to develop this ability.  So, how does the kangaroo “teach” the rabbit to go over the wall on his own?  Well, the kangaroo realizes that the rabbit has never had the experience of jumping up so high and flying over such a high wall. It’s an “unknown feeling” or “energetic state.”  So the kangaroo knows that the rabbit needs to first experience this feeling in order to duplicate it himself.  (Awareness comes first!).  So, the kangaroo ASSISTS the rabbit’s attempts to jump that high.  The rabbit does his best, and the kangaroo ASSISTS him.  As the rabbit combines his own efforts while experiencing the success with this new challenge, he learns to master the new skill.  But of course, this wouldn’t happen without the intentions and ambitions of the rabbit to truly learn the new skill, NOT just the need/desire to be merely “transported over” the wall.  Once over the wall, the rabbit realizes that he is really on a plateau of some sorts…  like a rooftop. There was no drop on the other side of the wall!  He is at a higher level, and can now look down upon where he used to be.  He realizes that there is in fact a whole new “layer” or “level” of life up there, and it turns out to be a better life. Yes, he CAN jump down to his previous level, if he desires.  But he also now “knows more” about what there is in the world.  Now, the rabbit could also be one of two kinds of rabbits!  The first type is more comfortable in his original world, and simply jumps back down. Why?  Because it’s comfortable, that’s why…  and thus if feels “safe.”  He does not adventure.  The second type of rabbit realizes that the new higher level of his life is fresh, and YES there is unknown, but that unknown represents possibilities…  endless, infinite possibilities…  and infinite goodness.  The second type of rabbit chooses to stay at his higher level, basically INCORPORATING it into his life.  He makes it his “new normal”!  It does take a while for him to acclimatize to this new life!  For a while, he is constantly aware of how new and different it is, and he’s constantly surprised by amazing and good things that continue to pop up, unexpectedly!  After a while, though, he becomes “used to it” meaning it truly does become the new normal…. At which point, he thinks to himself, “What if there is another wall for me to conquer…!?”  Upon that realization, and upon being “ready for the next level,” the rabbit now is on the lookout for another wall which, once again, is “too high” for him (meaning he can’t see what’s on top or over it)… And of course, upon finding such a wall, the rabbit tries to jump over/on top of it.  THIS TIME around, he finds that he is more successful than he was in his previous attempts, because now he understands the concepts of scaling a higher wall… but yet, this wall is still different than he has experienced, and a bit higher than he has experienced.  And that’s why he asks the Kangaroo, again, to not carry him over, but ASSIST him on gaining the skills of hopping this new wall.


This allegory is, of course, to illustrate that receiving high vibrational energy sessions is intended to ultimately assist YOU in YOUR intentions/goal/quest for reaching higher energy levels in your life.  It is true that energy healing sessions can be used to pull you out of a slump or “bad time” in your life.  And like dessert, junk food, or candy (or, to use a darker example, drugs), energy sessions can simply feel good and be used for a “quick fix” (although energy sessions won’t lead to harm like (many) drugs or unhealthy foods could).  UNLESS the “harm” is a “dependence” upon the Energy Practitioner for energy, leading to a decline in ambition to reaching a higher life path.  But energy healing sessions, when done out of true Universal love (such is my own calling) are intended to assist the receiver by facilitating the Universal energies so that they are in a very high vibrational state.  Once in this high vibrational  state, the receiver should attempt to remember how these energies feel… and attempt to keep them going (literally) “as long as humanly possible.”  For some people, they can keep the high vibrations going for long time.  For others, it leaves faster.  Everybody is different.  Someone who receives a high vibrational energy session and then immediately jumps into a heated argument/debate on politics, for example, will lose the high vibrations very quickly, if not immediately.  On the other hand, somebody (just to give an example which could be relevant to your own life) who finishes an energy session and just sits and basks in that energy for as long as possible, is “memorizing” that feeling better.  If then they decide to drive their car, and “ignore” the road-rage and impatience of the other drivers while still feeling this amazing calm high vibrational energy feeling, they are now putting the energy into real-life practice!  And that is the goal!

An energy healer has a lot of similarities to a good teacher.  Let’s consider a piano teacher:  the teacher guides and shows the student a better way, and most important is already a good musician and performer, and can thus immerse the student in the music at a very high level.  The student continues to improve and get better, until one glorious day, the student is at the level of the teacher, or even above.  It’s also hoped that any good student shares their experience and knowledge with others in a positive way.  A music student can teach lesser students, and share the love of music with them.  Someone who is ascending to higher and higher levels of energies in life, and become more and more aligned with their life path has increasing capabilities to share and guide others and spread love and light and joy, as well as provide others insight on how to take a higher path in life.  Time and experience are both invaluable all these situations.

So, to summarize:

Improvement in our conditions really depends upon a few things…  1.) Wanting to go to a better/higher energy & life path   2.) Getting to that place.   And then, most importantly! — 3.) Staying at that high energy level the best we can.




To summarize and give the quick answer:  It’s always more powerful if the person receiving is aware of what’s going on.

Of course, there are many people who don’t know or believe in energy work.  I see this all the time; it’s not uncommon.  (In fact, I used to be one of those people in my earlier life.)  So, I do get a lot of people who order for others (their significant others, or parents, etc.).  And yes, it is effective when ordered for someone else, absolutely.  But it’s just that the changes don’t occur quite as fast.  Another thing is, if the other person is not aware or full invested in this process (the process that the story describes), then what will happen is they get the high energies and get to a higher level, but not being “aware” or “desiring it” consciously, they can slip back to lower energies, just based upon lifestyle, earthly-ego, etc.



Learn to be Alone and Learn to love Yourself… All Else will Follow

The hardest thing is to not need other people; make it a goal to learn to be HAPPY by yourself.  Again, I’ve been through it.


You’re in that situation, now put it to work for YOU to make YOU a better person in the BIG PICTURE.  It’s not comfortable, and that’s part of “learning” and “change.”


Don’t need any friends or relationship.  When the time is right, the REAL friend will come into your life.  And looking back, you’ll have attracted them into your life through higher vibrations.


As you change to higher vibrations, all the so-called friends with lower vibrations will backlash, clash, and ultimately leave your life.  That’s perhaps the hardest thing….  to RELEASE THEM.  You have NO obligations to any of them.


No people around = they can’t shed their negativity and judgments on you.  Better to be alone than with people like that.


Being alone — take the chance to CONNECT WITH YOUR TRUE SELF.


IT’S AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO BE ALONE, WHEN YOU WANT THAT.  The problem is, most people don’t “ask” for it, and when that OPPORTUNITY arises, they resent it and see it as a problem.  But just imagine how many people are stuck in busy family lives, and they don’t have a second for THEMSELVES.


LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF.   The reason you feel needy for friends and/or empty when you are ALONE is because you don’t love being with the most important person in the world — YOU!!!!  You need to be in love with YOU.


You are on a journey… . live the adventure, live the journey, feel the change, create the change.  CREATE YOUR LIFE.


NOTE: Once you learn to love yourself then you will be able to share love with another person.



Release the Need for Things to Be Better

As hard as it is (and here’s the challenge!), try to “release the need/desire” for “things to get/be better.”  I know it sounds counterintuitive, and it is!!!    By “waiting” for things to get better, you are attracting just that… the state of being whereby thing are off balance, and they “will” get better soon… but that continues non-stop, so things don’t get better as you like.


But once you RELEASE the “need” or even “desire” for them to get better, you move into a place of HIGHER VIBRATION and higher frequency… and then you’ll attract those things of the equal vibration — which are the better situations/people, etc.!!


So, what I recommend is this…   take one thing at a time, and try to find positive in each and every thing.  Be grateful for the positive when you do find it.  On the other hand, for the things that are not comfortable, annoying, or painful, be grateful that you are AWARE of that fact… because by by being aware that they are not right for you, you automatically and intrinsically know what IS right for you…. once you know what’s right, you open up your universe to receiving that.



About Shame and Guilt

  1. SHAME AND GUILT are really the two things that ultimately destroy lives.


  1. Where do SHAME and GUILT come from? Simple: the way we were raised.


  1. Take a few minutes right now to picture your father/mother or whoever raised your or was a big influence on you WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG, AS A KID, LIKE 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 YEARS OLD. What did they tell you that made you feel less worthy? Deficient?  Not good enough?  Shameful?  Were you yelled at when you peed in your bed at night?  Were comments made about your body image?  Etc.


  1. Feeling SHAME has NEVER, EVER helped anybody.Ever!


  1. Feeling GUILT has NEVER, EVER helped anybody. Ever!


  1. We have “belief systems.” What we believe. Where do we get those beliefs?….


  1. We get our beliefs from our parents/society, etc. The way we were raised. MOSTLY from before we were 8 years old.


  1. Our parents, believe it or not, did the best they could WITH WHAT THEY KNEW and BASED UPON WHAT THEY KNEW.


  1. With #8 in mind, perhaps the hardest thing is just not blaming parents for our upbringing and beliefs…. Why not? Because…..


  1. WE WANT TO MOVE ON! MOVE FORWARD! Go on a positive forward path!



“How Do I Heal and Move Forward?”

  1. This is just one method I recommend: Watch/listen to Louise Hay audiobook, “You Can Heal Your Life.” (Or you can read the book).  Listen EVERY DAY for 30 days.  Time will pass, guaranteed!  Just do it!!!  (Note: I did this myself many years ago, and I credit this audiobook for CHANGING MY LIFE.  You can’t get to the “high road” if you are trapped on the “low road.”)


  1. ALL YOUR FEELINGS of not being good enough stem from those childhood issues.


  1. Even any bad decisions you have made in your adult life all stem, energetically, from this belief system. As such, YOU WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE MORE BAD DECISIONS unless you HEAL yourself. This audio program will do that!


  1. JUST DO IT. To get NEW RESULTS, you have to do something NEW. START NOW!!!


  1. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO “get on track” and get started with positivity!IT’S NEVER TOO LATE to heal your life!!


  1. NOTE: I have no affiliation with Louis Haye or Hay House (her company), nor do I receive any compensation whatsoever for recommending this book. I’m just recommending it because it has worked for countless people.



About Being in Pain

Pain is neither good nor bad, but our ego tells us it is bad.


Always find positive in any situation.


Pain is good because it is an INDICATOR what we do NOT want.


We need to know what we do not want so that we can move towards what we DO want.


Pain is FIRST energetic/emotional, and then after that is ignored, it turns into PHYISICAL MANIFESTATION.


Simply curing physical pain is a temporary fix.  IT WILL RETURN unless the energetic roots are healed!


Yes, it can take a long time to figure out what the “energetic roots” are which are causing dysfunction, pain, and unhappiness.


Life is a journey.   The Universe respects that we will figure things out…  But! –


We won’t figure things out unless we stop our brain, CLEAR ALL OUR THOUGHTS, and stop the constant non-stop stream of thoughts (“conversations”) that are going on in our brains.


How do you control your thoughts?  TRY TO NOT THINK ABOUT ANYTHING FOR JUST A FEW SECONDS.  Watch your brain like you are watching a little animal.  NOTICE when a thought arises.


STEP TWO – When a though arises, as yourself if it was POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE.




Example!:   Thought is:  “I’m running late!!”  MADE INTO A POSITIVE THOUGHT:  “I’m so grateful that I have transportation/can walk” or “I’m so grateful that I have this job!”  or “I’m so grateful that I can meet with this person!”  etc.


Thinking becomes a HABIT. Yes, you can retrain your brain!



Retrain Your Brain

Think only positive thoughts.


Stop watching the news – it’s only negative propaganda!


Listen to positive affirmations on youtube!  Say them out loud.


WHAT YOU THINK BECOMES YOUR REALITY.  It takes time for most people because they have trouble believing this.


Only YOU can prove this for YOURSELF.


But you will never know unless you GIVE IT A TRY for many days!!


It’s free, right??


Nobody makes mone.y off of what I’m telling you, so that’s why so many people don’t know this ancient knowledge.


Yes, people have known these things for thousands of years.   I’m not making it up.



“Nothing is happening, why?” Or… How to Maximize your Reiki / Energy Sessions


Reiki energy healing can be a bit confusing for most people and I think that even those who enjoy its positive effects will reap more benefits from understanding it even better.


Out of over a hundred healings, normally two or three people give me the feedback that “Nothing happened; it didn’t work.” Now, while I think just two or three percent of “It’s not working” is a very good statistic, I still do not dismiss it.  So, from my experience and insight, here are the top reasons why Reiki healing and other high vibrational energy healing “does not work” with a very small minority of people who receive it.  And, for the vast majority of people who DO feel the effects of my energy healing sessions, reading this article will help them MAXIMIZE/INCREASE the session energies and understand the process, and themselves, even better.


True desire for a better situation.  This is kind of common sense, but you’d be surprised that a huge segment of our population enjoys being in misery, and continuing cycles of dysfunctional relationships, keeping negative and limiting beliefs and belief systems, etc.  USUALLY people like this do not seek Reiki or other energy healing; but, sometimes they do!  And when they do, then they are asking for help but don’t really want it.  As such, any help offered is not being accepted by them.  In these cases, they either knowingly or subconsciously want to “challenge” the healer and just create more conflict… they just want to fight.  The human “ego” loves conflict and pain and misery.  Most people would literally die than give up their ego.  This is a whole other topic: The Ego and what it is. (Spoiler: Your “ego” is basically the false sense of who you are.  It’s the “physical world game” that you are taking ownership of and confusing with your true spirit.  Everything bad comes from this ego.  Eckhart Tolle is a good place to start to learn about this…)


Being open to receive.  The person receiving must be open to receive the energies.  If the person is energetically guarded, then the energies won’t be allowed in.  Being skeptical and “not believing” that the energy will work is enough to stop it.  Even when someone WANTS things to get better, but doesn’t believe it will “really happen” to them has a limiting belief system which can stop/slow energy healing.


Perception and how it shapes expectations.  Our own perception is literally what “makes” our life the way it is.  The most common situation I see is peoples’ perceptions and expectations about their relationship.  Imagine a relationship falling apart, usually someone leaves the other person. The person who has been left desperately wants the other person back.  They are fighting to get them back, and they order Reiki healing to try to get the other person back.  Reiki energy is sent, and the other person still does not come back.  Well, remember that Reiki does what’s for the HIGHEST GOOD of people, and for the good of the situation.  It’s not a magic spell that “forces” any outcome.  As such, the person who “was dumped” should be open minded and perhaps will realize that it was in fact for their higher good that they are NOT with that other person any longer.


Perception, in general.  The most common situation I see is people asking for “mone.y and wealth/success.”  After Reiki sessions some people say, “nothing happened, I didn’t make lots of mone.y or win the lottery…”  Ironically, these same people probably declined to talk to the smiling person in the grocery check-out line, didn’t notice the beautiful flowers on their hurry to work, and ignored their colleague/friend telling them about some opportunity.  You see, if they HAD talked to the smiling person, in a minute it would have led to a new friendship (priceless!) or opportunity.  Noticing the flowers would have instilled love into their heart, and inspired them to be more loving and thus prevented a heart attack a decade later.  If they were open to listening to their colleague/friend, they would end up with free seminar or concert tickets.  So, the point I’m trying to make is this:  Wealth is just energy, and as such, it will come in an infinite number of different routes and also different forms.  IF someone just focuses on ONE route and form (i.e. paper mone.y & winning the lottery), they are cutting themselves off from truly receiving wealth in other forms, as well as not even perceiving that they DID receive wealth in various other forms.


Energy flow.   Energy flows in and out.  High vibrational energies can flow into someone, but unless they keep that high energy, it will dissipate/flow out/leave.  This is why people order periodic healing sessions.  Compare energy to the physical world:  Your back is tight, so you get a massage.  The massage loosens the muscles and you feel great… for a week, but then your muscles are tight again from stress, bad posture, and your subconscious tightening of them. So you get another massage.  Now, this cycle could continue forever (one massage each week), but if you became aware of what is causing your back to get tight, then you could start to work on that, and then you would be solving your own issues.  BUT the path to enlightenment is a JOURNEY, and it’s not an instant thing.  As such, you would improve gradually, but you would still need to get a massage every two weeks… then maybe every three weeks…   etc.


Take internal/personal responsibility.  Reiki energy is truly magical, but only if the person receiving it desires to get to a higher energetic place, and also if they take 100% responsibility for their direction in life.  Reiki is not a “magic spell” and it’s not just an “external force” that works magic.  Reiki works WITH your energy.  This should be exciting, motivational, and empowering to you!!  YOU have unlimited potential within you and Reiki helps activate/support/raise your expression of your infinite powers and capabilities!  So, when people receive a session and then “just wait” for it to “work,” they are severely limiting the positivity that will come out of the session.  But when they take a personal stake in it, and know that the energy is THEIR personal power and energy now, NOT some external force, then that’s truly when huge energetic shifts happen within the person.


Physical manifestation FOLLOWS the energy shift and takes time.  How long?  That’s always the question.  I’ve seen physical manifestation of the positive (i.e. wealth, health, success) happen immediately, and I’ve seen it happen over a week, and I’ve seen cases whereby seemingly it “wasn’t happening,” but it was happening only slower.  Remember, physical manifestations FOLLOW the energies, not the other way around.  Think of a physical manifestation as a journey. Can you teleport there?  Probably not.  But if it’s a “step” away, then it’s almost like that.  BUT if you are not ready for the manifestation, or not at the energy level to receive it, you’ll get CLOSER to it (steps taken!), but not there yet.  THE KEY IS TO RECOGNIZE that you are closer to the destination (the manifestation) even if it’s not “there” yet.  Remember, if we received each and every manifestation instantly, life wouldn’t BE a journey, and there’d be no self-growth, which is really what gives us meaning and joy in our lives.



Some Articles About Reiki



The Energy Trance

When you are receiving an energy session and then you get very sleepy (and even fall asleep) – that is usually due to what I call the “energy trance.”  When the energy is flowing, people get very close to their higher selves and very very calm and relaxed.  This only will happen when someone has cleared their mind, has no thoughts or mental chatter, and is wide open to receive, sitting or lying comfortably with their eyes closed.  In fact, I often tell people to set an alarm if they are receiving a session during the day time (well, this means that I’m sending and they are receiving at the same clock-time) if they need to be somewhere later!  I think it’s great to have a session right before bed, because then you can just drift into the energy trance, and from there, continue into sleep.  That way, the entire nighttime will keep your energies going, and you might also have vivid dreams or messages given to you during the night!  And, when you go into the energy trance during the day, I recommend you are not in a hurry to “jump up” and back into the chaotic ego-world so quickly!  Best to just sit or lie there, close your eyes, and meditate/reflect upon how great you feel when you are close to your higher self… keep that energy and that feeling of calm going for as long as you can.  Think how amazing it would be to keep that sense of calmness and peacefulness and great energy going ALL DAY, every day, in spite of stressful ego-life situations (work, society, relationships, etc.).  Well, that is the level I myself have gotten to, and I know there are others who have achieved this as well.  With daily energy work and of course (most importantly) the INTENTION to get to this level, you will!



Unconditional Love and Children

Here is some food for thought:  Why do people love their own biological children more than other “random” children? Another (related) question:  What is unconditional love?  Another (related) question:  Isn’t it true that MOST children are raised by their parents to be ego-extensions of the parents?


I have seen, over and over again, that the majority of people feel that:  1.) Their children are more special than others, and they love them more than some other “random” child.   2.) People think they know what unconditional love is, but they truly don’t practice it, which means they really don’t understand it at all.  3.) Most parents would vehemently deny that they are just expanding their own egos through raising “their own children.”


To bring light to this entire situation, the next time someone asks you, “Do you have children?” Or “Are you going to have children?” Or “Do you want children?,” just answer, “No, I don’t want children.”  Then watch the extreme confusion in the other person, which arises mostly out of their ego-identification/understanding of the world.  When they incredulously ask you, “Why not???” just answer, “I don’t feel the need to have children.”


So, more food for thought:  If it’s true unconditional love that you raise a child with, then you won’t care if he/she is gay/bisexual, athletic, non-athletic, etc.  You would see the child’s TRUE SPIRIT, and see them as a SPIRUTAL BEING.  You would rejoice and delight in their SPIRIT/SOUL and you would know that YOU were just the physical vessel to bring that physical body (your child’s) into the world.


Don’t you agree that our physical body is one thing, but our spirit/soul is another?  That we all have unique spirits/souls, regardless of our physical bodies?


A child is brought to this physical world THROUGH their parents, not FROM their parents.  A parent who truly loves their child will realize this and respect this, and the way they raised their child in this physical world would reflect this as well.


Now, let’s go deeper.  And this is the part that most people do not, and perhaps will not, understand… because they are not at a higher and more transcendent (to society ego and associated learned belief systems) yet.  Why can’t you find the same joy in a strange/random child you meet as in your own child?


Now, we’re getting really broad here, but what about the concept that we are all “one” – we are all a collective consciousness, but of course you are living through your perspective, me through mine, and other people through their own?  What about the concepts of “karma”?  ARE you able to look into the eyes of a random person (old or young, it doesn’t’ matter), and “see yourself” in them?  Try this with somebody you really “hate” or “dislike” or feel is totally different than you.  OR, are you able to see (a better word would be “feel” or “know”) a commonality with them? (Note: Just to feel something in common with someone else does NOT mean to agree or disagree with the physical choices and ways they live their life.  We are talking about pure spiritual energy.)


So, was that enough food for thought?  I have seen people who possess a physical object (such as a car) acknowledge that someone else’s car is “just as good” or even “better” than their own.  Why not with children?  Ah!  Of course the immediate answer is, “A child has a spirit, and a spirit is not an inanimate object.”  And that proves the point!  Why would you rank spirits as better or worse?


Lastly, and this is perhaps the simplest part to understand, I think we all know that biological does not always equate to true love.  How many parents are “bad parents”?  How many “friends” do you have that understand you more than even your biological family and parents?  OR who respect you for who you are?



Energy Healing to Terminally Ill and Dying People

The manifestation of energy is all about human intention. And this includes thoughts.  Thoughts include expectations/fears, etc.!  As such, often it’s best to NOT tell people your thoughts or perceptions.  This goes with all situations in life, by the way.  For example, if you are super inspired about something, just do it on your own, don’t necessarily tell friends/family, etc., because their thoughts of negativity or non-believing that you can do it, etc., will affect the outcomes!  That’s why successful people do their own thing, getting help from people when they need it, but “hiring” help, not asking for help.  I hope this makes sense.


Now, when somebody dies, they can die in pain and with regret, or closer to their higher self.


Of course it’s better if somebody passes on to another dimension with a clear feeling of knowing their higher self, and with peace and ultimately then it becomes their decision to pass on… they are no longer the “victim” of physical circumstances.


I have contacted at least 6 or 7 times now, over the years, to do energies on somebody whose physical condition dictated that they were going to die.  In all of these cases, the person did die.. .


BUT!!! — SOMETHING REMARKABLE happened each and every time immediately after I did energy sessions on them:  they seemingly “turned around” for the better immediately… whereby doctors and family/friends all had “hope” that they were going to survive, based upon the fact that each of these peoples’ pain was less or went away completely, they were happy, they were not mentally or physical suffering constantly…  people who couldn’t eat started to eat, people who couldn’t sleep could sleep, etc.


BUT, THEN, after a period of time (varied for each person, but I’d say the average time period was about one week), the person died… peacefully.   They died either in their sleep, or with a loved one with them, with a smile on their lips.


I have found a pattern, which of course is a deep truth, that these people who were open to the higher energies were able to dissolve negative belief systems and blockages in their last days of life.  It’s normal that death accelerates this process (when somebody knows they are about to die soon), and the energy healing was like a catalyst to speed this up tremendously.  OR you could say it helped the process take place SOONER:  for most people who are suffering or unhappy in life, they find peace a moment (as in seconds, or split seconds, even) before physical death on this earth.



About “Magic Spells”

MAGIC SPELLS do what I call a “forced outcome.”


A forced outcome is an outcome or result which somebody wants from their EGO.


What is ego??  — It’s not what most people think it to be.  EGO is the (false) concept or belief of who we “think we are.”  As opposed to the truth!


So then what is the truth about who we are?  The truth is, we are a spirit/soul.  All the life and physical stuff is just a game.  That physical stuff that people define themselves by is called “ego.”


EGO, thus, is caught up in the physical world, and thereby subject to the belief systems of the same.


EGO separates us from our true spirt/soul.


EGO is the cause of ALL pain/suffering/problems/unhappiness…. anything bad!


So, when EGO forces an outcome, it is never good.


Magic Spells are “forced outcomes” — they FORCE something to happen the in physical world.  And when these things are FORCED to manifest… well, they are what they are! But then…  what happens for the ultimate HIGHER GOOD will HAPPEN ANYWAYS. And thus, that can (will?) cause a backlash.


— Remember that all physical manifestations of now are due to the energies of both the past as well as the current energies!!


— A magic spell will not change the past/current energies.. .it does not fix the ROOT of the causes…  it just forces an outcome that makes no sense.


WHAT REIKI and other HEALING energy does, is PROMOTE YOUR HIGHER GOOD.  It does NOT force an outcome!!


People that ask for Magik or Magick or Spells are also handing  over all their power and ENERGY (aka their soul!) to somebody else!  THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS.  There are many people who claim they are doing Magic Spells, but they tap into YOUR energy and steal it/hurt it.


Let’s put it this way…  if you ask somebody to do positive energy for you, you are INTENDING that, and thus they cannot hurt you, EVEN IF THEY WANT TO.  But when you just open yourself up to somebody to do a “magic spell,” you are basically relinquishing all control.


Example #1:  Your car is not working properly.  You ask somebody for help.  The person helps you and pushes your car as you steer.  They help you get home.


Example #2:  Your car is not working properly.  You ask somebody for help.  The person tells you to get out of your car, and they will steer it.  You push it, and don’t even know where it’s going.  THEY are steering it wherever they want.  They also take your car keys with them, as well as your credit cards and wallet.  Your car starts to work again, and they drive away, leaving you at a street corner, and tell you that everything will work out fine.


WHICH EXAMPLE WOULD YOU PREFER?  #1 Is high vibrational energy healing.  #2 is a “spell.”




A relationship, by definition, is simply a “way in which two things are connected.”  So now, we talk about human relationships.  It could be you and a significant other (such as boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband), or it could be something such as “employer” and “employee” relationship.  What do you want out of these relationships?   In any relationship, each part receives something.  That “something” can be good or bad, painful or pleasurable…  Naturally, most people want to feel good, and to be receiving something that’s “beneficial” in any relationship.  So let’s start with something more mundane, such as a employer-employee relationship.  For MOST people on earth, the “employer” wants somebody to promote their business interest, and the “employee” wants mon.ey benefits.  Of course we can get much deeper than this, because for those who are more energetically advanced, both sides (employer and employee) want more than mon.ey interests:  they want to fulfill a higher life path.  In any case, now let’s move on to a “husband-wife” (or “significant other”) type of relationship.  Unfortunately, in many cultures, the husband-wife relationship is very similar to a low energy employer-employee relationship!  The husband is in “control” and “owns” the wife, and the wife is supposed to dance around his whims, demands, and desires.  But there are also cases (many of them!) whereby wives are possessive of their husbands, in a very jealous way, for example not allowing them to talk to their friends.  So, it goes both ways.  The question is:  What type of relationship do YOU want.  Or, better said (and here come the magic words!!!), “What do you TOLERATE?”  What do you tolerate, in terms of how other people treat you?  In investigating this concept, here is food for thought.  1. Any good relationship is based upon trust.  2. The truth is, if somebody wants to cheat, they WILL cheat, no matter what, no matter what the circumstances (long term relationship, living together, etc.).  3. Yes, a long distance relationship makes it easier for someone to cheat.


And now, we get to another key point:  What defines “cheating.”  Again, there is no “given definition,” so you have to ask yourself, “What do YOU tolerate?”


For me, I find it absolutely ridiculous and absurd to think that I “own” somebody.  I don’t want to own anybody!  In fact, if I did “own” somebody, then that would make them weak and pathetic, and then wouldn’t that just reflect upon me?  For myself, I want to be with a WHOLE person, somebody who is strong, independent, and a beautiful soul.  Somebody who CHOOSES to be with me!  Let me ask you this:  Would you prefer to go out into nature and capture a beautiful bird, and lock it into a cage, against its will?  OR would you prefer that a beautiful bird CHOOSES to come to you… to grace you with its presence, because it WANTS to be around you, because it LIKES your energy and your spirit, and it ENJOYS contributing positive energies with you, and sharing its life with you?  And same thing with “talking to other people.”  Do you think it’s for the higher life path of either you OR the bird for you demand of that beautiful bird that it stops singing with other birds?  So ironic that the song of that bird is one of the things that made it so beautiful for you, but now you want to silence it, to force it to ONLY be for you, to put it into a cage, to bottle it up, to control it. Now, for most of the world, the way I described all of this is like a man controlling a woman.  So, it’s always useful to look at this all the other way around:  Do you want someone to capture you?  To control you?  Do you want to be told you can’t talk to your friends, that you can’t visit friends?  Do you need to be controlled, to be captured, and not trusted?  Do you really feel like it’s your higher life path to be around ANYBODY who doesn’t trust you?  Do as you like, but in my life, I RUN LIKE HELL from anybody who tries to capture me, who tries to control me, and who treats me with mistrust.  If I’m an employee I will NOT tolerate working with/for an employer who constantly thinks I’m dishonest or I’m stealing.  In a relationship with a significant other, I DO NOT TOLERATE somebody micromanaging me, or telling me who I can or can’t talk to.  Now don’t get me wrong, I HAVE been in several of these types of relationships – and this was BEFORE I changed my life to go to higher energies!  Now, in a relationship, I know that if the other person wants to cheat (i.e. sexually), then they will.  Because that would be a deal breaker  for me (remember, you can come up with your own agreements, as you see meets your own higher life path), the other person knows that if they feel like doing that, no problem, but we are not going to be in a committed (exclusive) relationship any more.  But of course I allow the other person to do whatever they want.  I trust them and value them as a beautiful soul.  They have friends, they spend time with friends, both male and female.  I do the same!  They travel freely as do I.  Earlier this year I went alone on a trip across the world because the other person couldn’t accommodate the timing in their schedule.  The other person has gone on various trips without me as well.  The beauty is – this celebrates what we call FREE WILL, and FREEDOM in general.  And given freedom, we really know our true feelings and emotions and life path.  You see, when any soul is CONTROLLED, they do not know their true spirit any more. For example, a controlled teenager THINKS they want nothing more than to break or sneak out of the house!  Just imagine – if that teenager didn’t have that need to escape, what other amazing possibilities would be allowed with the freed up energies!! So, being in a relationship that’s based upon FREEDOM and RESPECT is incredible.  I now truly can feel that when I travel, it’s more fun sharing that experience with the other person.  It’s now a CHOICE rather than obligation!  And when I’m “allowed” to be with my friends, having alone-time, it makes me feel happy, fulfilled, and truly loved and trusted.  And this just strengthens our relationship even more… in a HEALTHY way, not in a clingy or controlling way.  Always remember that whatever’s going on in your relationship(s) likely won’t change, EVER. Someone who is jealous and controlling will always be that way. And so the recipient of that will need to make the decision to either not tolerate that, OR accept it and forever be controlled in this earthly life.



The Need to Please Others

Another energetic block is the need to please other people.  I think we could call it almost “energetic cords” that exist to “live up to the expectations” of others, but the cords are from the past.  Most people have these cords due to parent expectations when they were young.  Another energy is that you did something when you were young, and it was either ignored, disapproved of, or merely dismissed. This created an emotional trauma which is deep buried, and is subconscious.   These sorts of energetic blockages will keep one from truly moving forward and “taking a risk” in life.  And guess what?  “If you keep doing the same thing, you will keep getting the same thing.” Such, to get something different (as in better, more wealth, more happiness, more mon.ey, better relationships, etc.) you have to “do something different.”  But, by definition, “doing something different” means taking a RISK.  So, as it turns out, people who stay unhappy are basically (I just had this insight!!!) people who are afraid to take risk.  There’s that word:  “afraid” !!  Why is it that some people are not afraid, and others are?   Well, there’s no one clear answer, but it comes down to the fact that people who are afraid of failing are somehow linking it to their “self worth” aka “ego” in this earthly world.  We are taught, unfortunately, by society and in school, that we have to be “correct” and “not make mistakes” or we are not successful.



The Fear of Failure

To move to the next level… to go up higher a notch or more… you must look deep at your fears of failure.  “Fears of failure?” you ask?  One sign that most people have who have fear of failure is difficulty retaining mo.ney or resources. I’ve also just now made that connection to food!  So, given an amount of mo.ney OR food (or other resources), the person is compelled by internal energies to “consume” the entire thing…. To not be “allowed” to have leftovers.  As such, mo.ney is used up one way or another!  Food is consumed when it should be left behind.  These are all defense mechanisms for the internal “hurt self” which came about in early childhood, definitely before 8 years old, almost certainly before 6 years old, and I’d bet a thousands bucks BEFORE even 4 years old.  And guess what! – when it’s before 4 years old, most people don’t remember the experience or experiences that lead to the dysfunctional and subconscious belief systems.  That’s why it’s such a “mystery” in adult physical life to figure out why you’re not realizing your desires/dreams or you are not aligned very well on your perfect life path.


Next steps! – 1. Dig deep into what your limiting beliefs are.  2. I ALWAYS recommend people to listen to Louise Hay’s audiobook “You Can Heal Your Life” (you can find it for free on youtube).  3. Listen to Eckhardt Tolle.  Learn to QUITE the chatter in your mind.  When your mind is completely clear with no thoughts, then you will start to receive more messages and then truly be able to hear your own intuitions even better.



House Cleaning / Clearing – “Stuff”

Energies stick/hide among physical stuff.  Why? Because physical stuff is just another form of energy.  Einstein expresses this truth in the (famous) equation E=mc^2.


As such, clutter is a breeding ground for negative energies.  It attracts them and holds them as well.


Lots of “stuff” THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU A FEELING OF JOY AND LOVE and wealth and abundance and CLARITY will continue to lower your energy  levels, both in that area, and thus in your own body/spirit/soul (as well as others when they visit, etc.).  Also, others’ energies can go into that stuff as well.  Of course, this idea has been around since the beginning of time…  perhaps the most “famous” person in the media right now embracing (selling) this idea is Marie Kondo.


So, it’s like doing a healthy eating juice cleanse, only to start eating junk food again….


ONLY do another clearing after you have gone through and gotten rid of some stuff that doesn’t serve your highest good!


And that does NOT mean everything is “perfect,” etc.


Just get a (small) box, (or medium, … whatever)… and start to put stuff in there that you feel is just like a ROCK pulling you into the water.  And take that to goodwill, or charity, or whatever, or throw it away / recycle it if applicable.


Don’t set out to conquer the whole thing!


HOLD THAT BOX IN YOUR HANDS and be fully aware of the “weight” (heaviness) of it… in the physical sense… and then feel intense and immense gratitude and love that you are releasing that “stuff” from weighing you down.  Be fully aware/conscious of that when you “move it onward and out” into the universe….


Another thing you could do (if this resonates with you) is to hold the “stuff” you want to get rid of and stand on a scale.  Subtract your body weight and thus determine the weight of the “stuff” you are getting rid of.  Write down this mass on a piece of paper and keep track of how much usless “stuff” you are getting rid of. (Remember! “Useless” is defined by the fact that it is not for YOUR own higher good and life path.)  This can be a very motivational way to encourage yourself to continue on with this journey/process – and it also gives you a tool to look back and reflect, which then leads to feelings of gratefulness and joy. (It gives you a source of contrast.)



Does Dark Energy Exist? Can it Affect You?

Yes, there absolutely are dark and negative energies, and yes, people (anybody, including you yourself) can summon them up.  But, same with positive energies!!


So, yes, some people use dark energies, and yes, they can often work.


Now, why would someone do that?  Why not use light/good energies? I’ve had my own insights and here is a quick summary:


  1. Most people believe that energy is limited.
  2. Given #1 above, it stands to reason that when two people interact, each person has a certain amount of LIMITED energy (kind of like fuel in the tank of a car.)
  3. Whenever two people interact, there is an “energy exchange” and more energy flows from one person to the other.
  4. Energy keeps us going and strong in this world.
  5. When two people interact, whoever has “more energy” (more gas in the tank) is “superior.”
  6. Since energy (like gas in a tank) is limited, it’s necessary to TAKE it from someone else for one’s own benefit.
  7. Dark energy is the intention to take positive energies from someone else.
  8. Even if it’s not outright dark energy, most people have the need to “be right” all the time and they argue with you. This is merely a power play due to these belief systems.




For number 1 — Energy is NOT limited – it is INFINITE and UNLIMITED.

For number 2 – Just like a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle, when two people interact, one loses nothing by giving positive energies to another person.

For number 3 – This is TRUE.

For number 4 – This is TRUE.

For number 5 – This is INCORRECT! Energy is infinite, and as such one person is not superior.

For number 6 – This is FALSE – there’s no need to take energy away from someone else.

For number 7 – This is TRUE – There are people who intend to take away energy from others… or it’s their subconscious programming due to their belief systems.

For number 8 – This is TRUE – people want to be right as much as possible.  If it’s not arguing about you cutting in line in front of them, don’t worry, because society has made lots of things to “be right” about!:  Politics, sports, etc.!


More about number 3 — It is true that usually more energy flows from one person to the other.  Energies can also be good or bad.  In the PERFECT situation, two enlightened people are interacting and sharing ONLY good energies both ways!  But when there’s only one enlightened person, then they are sending good energies, and the other person is only taking (but this will NOT hurt the enlightened person).  Also, an enlightened person will NOT ALLOW negative energies to flow into them.  As such, you sometimes have someone trying to send negative energies into an enlightened person, but the enlightened person is not only blocking the bad energies, but sending back GOOD energies at the same time.  In these cases, from my own experiences, there are two things that will happen!:  1.) The unenlightened person will stick around to continue getting the positive energies (even though they don’t know why they are doing that).  2.) The other person will completely reject the positive energies (because acknowledging them would be a disruption in their belief system) and quickly remove themselves from the interaction (i.e. physically leave).  NOTE: There are only few people who are very enlightened.  Being enlightened means you can actually confront negativity and dark energy face-to-face, and NOT engage with it or let it affect you in any way.



Does Saying “Thank You” Matter?

YES, but only if someone says “thank you” with a FEELING of true gratitude. But just saying it because you are told to (like kids are) without FEELING the meaning is meaningless, and could actually be harmful.  It could be harmful because if the words “thank you” become meaningless from being said without the feeling and intent to back it up, then it’s more likely someone will dismiss a genuine “thank you” when it is said to them.


If said with meaning it is an energetic “boost” to the other person, as well as the person saying it. Remember that any and all energy (whether it is good or bad) continues to spread out, forever… butterfly effect.. affecting others… and in the case of energy, it travels instantaneously everywhere… everything is connected.



How Often Should I Receive Energy Sessions?

Energy sessions are like going to the gym or exercise!  On one hand, you can’t have “too much” but on the other hand, you want to find a good balance.


It all determines how fast you are progressing (“you” means literally YOU or someone else if we are talking about someone else).


Basically, here’s how ascension from energy sessions works:  The energy session boosts up your vibrational frequency.  And now YOU “take the ball and run” (take advantage of this state of being) and keep it going as long as you can.  The GOAL is to make this newer, higher level of energy your “new normal” state of being.  At the least, REMEMBER what it feels like to be more enlightened, and closer to your higher self!  And try to go back to that state of being as often as possible.  Most people make “progress” in this regards, and it’s normal not to get there “100%” (to the new energy level 100%).  This process takes a little time… and it’s different for everybody!  Some people can integrate (that’s a good word to use… “integrate”) the new energies quickly, and then are ready to do another energy session (either the same one, or a different one) right away.  Other people take 3 to 4 to 7 days to integrate the new energies.  Neither is right, and neither is wrong!  Everybody is different.  Another “neither right nor wrong” is what type of energy session to receive… they are like flavors of ice cream.  For example, if you receive a Reiki Master session, those energies might take a few days to soak all the way in… but you could right away receive a Violet Flame healing session, as those are a different variant of energies.


Finally, another thing I have found through experience and from overwhelming and regular feedback is that these energy sessions which I facilitate are synergistic.  Their energies increase exponentially.   I’ve had the pleasure of doing numerous and intense sessions for people over a very short period of time, and seeing them catapult to incredible energetic transcendence.  But the key is that the person has got to WANT this change very much!


Remember, energy sessions, to be truly effective, are not “passive” — they require the receiver to take an active part (afterwards!) to be open to continue running the good energies themselves, and to integrate them into their lifestyle.   Again, it’s like working out!:  You can have a great workout session, but then if you immediately eat donuts and drink Coke and don’t even walk for the next five days, then SURE it’s done something good, but you haven’t used it to your full advantage and its full potential.




The Law of Attraction

I had been avoiding writing about this, as it’s TOO misunderstood, it seems like there is TOO much information (and hype!) about it out there… and thus, there are a lot of people with solid ideas on “how it works.”

Let’s start with a simple yet powerful concept, as you are moving forward with your “dream life,” which should be aligned to your higher self.

The manifestation of energy is all about human intention. And this includes thoughts.  Thoughts include expectations/fears, etc.!  As such, often it’s best to NOT tell people your thoughts or perceptions.  This goes with all situations in life, by the way.  For example, if you are super inspired about something, just do it on your own, don’t necessarily tell friends/family, etc., because their thoughts of negativity or non-believing that you can do it, etc., will affect the outcomes!  That’s why successful people do their own thing, getting help from people when they need it, but “hiring” help, not asking for help.


The Crystal Grid I Personally Recommend

Quartz crystals – have a remarkable ability to “memorize” energies!  They are like “energy sponges.”  So, use them wisely, and be sure to “clear” them from negative/chaotic energies when you receive them, and be sure to “charge” them properly (by yourself or someone else if necessary) with good energies frequently.  Like anything else in life, including your physical health, there’s no “set it up and forget about it” – it requires maintenance (which is very enjoyable when you do high energies!)


Where to get them?  Get real, natural Quartz Crystals! My favorite crystals, and the ones I use for my crystal grids, are all “real” and “natural” crystals, made by MOTHER EARTH.  There are sooooo many options, and so years ago I just took the plunge and ordered from a bunch of different places ( is a great place to search for them also…)  Just be sure you are getting “natural” crystal, not “cut” ones.   I personally like to order a whole bunch of raw, natural, Brazilian quartz crystals.  When they arrive, it’s a whole mixed bag.  They are dirty, and uncut; unprocessed.  So… you keep the spectacular crystals (which are a nice size!!)  for your grid and then use the other crystals to decorate your garden or whatever.

What orientation for the grid?  There’s no right or wrong, but I have found from experience what I believe to be the most effective and strongest energy vortex configuration!  Spoiler alert:  Simpler is better!  Sacred geometry – two triangles interlocked, facing each other, aka the hexagram.  Place one quartz crystal on each corner, so that the point of the crystal is facing inwards.  Place a 7th crystal in the very center.  Now, place an 8th crystal off to the right side, a few inches away from the whole configuration.  That’s it.   When energized, the 6 outer crystals work synergistically in a clockwise circle, as well as beaming their memorized energies to the center crystal.  The 8th “outside” crystal is a “receiver” and is great for receiving your intentions once the whole thing is energized.  How to energize in detail is a whole different topic, which I won’t get into, as it’s taught in detail in Reiki level 2.


Recipe for Miracles In Your Life

First off, you must be at a very high energy/vibrational level! There are many ways of doing this, but one of the best ways is to feel “gratitude” (for anything). This is one of the highest vibrational emotions! And the beauty of this is, you can use your logical-mind to “choose” to do this at any time.

Be very open/open-minded to receiving ANYTHING.

Have no “ego-desire” or “judgement.” This is perhaps the most difficult part: Drop the ego.

This means, do not have a “forced” outcome.

Be CONSCIOUS and GRATEFUL of the fact that the Universe will address your situation and take you to a better place. In fact, if you are in a tough situation, every “solution” YOU think of will 99.9999% NOT be the way the Universe goes about it!!! Also, know (and be grateful for the fact, that) the Universe will give you what you need and not what you want.

When you are in a state of truly high energies, three things will happen:

1. Real physical manifestations/changes will happen to/for you WITH NO EFFORT on your part.

2. They will happen at an UNEXPECTED times.

3. THEY will COME TO YOU… you don’t have to chase after them or “fight to get them.”

Special note: IF you try to predict HOW it will happen, I guarantee you it WILL NOT be the way. IF you try to figure out WHEN it will happen, I also guarantee you that it won’t be the time. IF you chase after them, you are chasing illusion. And any of these things simply create “ideas” or “egos” or “judgements” in the mind and spirit… which actually interfere with the energies.

SO when you are at high energies, act as if you are in a movie. Sit back, relax, and watch and enjoy 🙂 Don’t try to analyze. After all… with all the analyzing you have done in your llife… what has it actually done for you? 🤷‍♂️


“You Get More of What You ARE, not what you WANT”!

It’s pretty self-explanatory.  AND it’s the secret to “manifestation” in your physical life.  And, YOU are in control.  BUT it’s also the hardest (“contradictory”) philosophy for most people… at least until they see how it works, at which point, it’s like riding a bicycle:  if you trust the process, it works, and suddenly something very tenuous becomes very solid.

A perfect example of when this is difficult to put into play is with relationships.  Why? Because people have such a huge energetic and egoic investment.  So, let’s tackle this example rather than a more obvious one.  Imagine, you are in a relationship, and the other person is ignoring you.  You are desperately “waiting” for them to call you, text you; but they aren’t.  BUT you really want them to.  And thanks to all the social programming, you are automatically trained to “fight” for your relationship.  BUT is this really the best avenue to take?   Let’s look to how the divine flow of energy and the Universe would address this situation:

Never forget that you get more of what you ARE, not what you want.  As such, when you “wait” and pine after that other person– then guess what? You get more of that!!! That’s right… the Universe gives more of the energies that exist. So… in the big picture… you’re playing a sort of “waiting game,” meaning, you are “thinking” and “aware” that the other person is not coming through the way you’d like them to.

In other words, your “expectations” are not being fulfilled the way you wish.

This is actually very important.

Because, again, the Universe gives us more of what our “current energies” are. I hope this makes sense. So, when you do an energy session, the goal is to clear your expectations and desires as much as possible. Why/ Because… you are a pure and beautiful soul, and you literally don’t “need” anything external for your most beautiful and perfect life.

ONCE you are running these extremely high energies, then you are filled with peacefulness, bliss, and joy… and the universe reciprocates this even more.

I know, it sounds like a ‘catch-22’ right? But trust me, it works! Meaning… in order for your HIGHEST LIFE PATH to come into fruition, we need to relinquish control for the higher powers to do what’s right for us…  Even though we may ‘think’ differently at the time. I PROMISE you, that in retrospect, (when you look back), things will “make sense’ for exactly why they turned out the way they did. IF you allow the higher energies to stay and allow your highest life path to increase…

ANOTHER situation I commonly see is when people tell/ask me, “I just got my first two clients.  But I want more.  How do I get more clients?” 

So, let’s use the idea from #1 here as well. “We get more of what we ARE”  So! — the key to this (try it, it will work!!!!!!!!!!!!) — is to “not think that these two clients are just the first two and you need more.” The goal is to get just ONE of these clients, and act as if they are the “only one that you ever need.” And as such,, you pour as much love and meaning into that ONE client that you possibly can. AND YOU feel extreme GRATITUDE for that one client! As if it’s INFINITELY ENOUGH for you. And so what happens then? Well, the Universe will give you MORE of what you ALREADY ARE. or “More of what you ALREADY have” — meaning, in regard to energy. AND that’s when suddenly, clients come flooding in! Again, it’s tricky at first. Why?

Because you want clients, and it’s in the back of your mind. BUT in order to “get them” you need to have the exact same energy… meaning, you DON’T NEED to get them. !!! You focus on the one you have. And then you realize that you actually have TWO already. And that if ONE was infinitely good enough, thensuddenly you are flooded by unimaginable wealth already. And you LIVE THESE ENERGIES every second of the day. And THESE ENERGIES ATTRACT THE SAME ENERGIES… more of them. AND not only in the terms of new clients, by the way!!!!!!!!! THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. These energies will bring all TYPES of similar phsyical life situations to you. YES, including relationship, family, career, ETC.! In fact, what will happen is BEYOND WHAT YOU CAN IMAGINE or even “think of.”



Resources… and Ideas… Food for Thought… to Continue Your Journey…

In no particular order…


An audiobook by Louis Hay – “You Can Heal Your Life” – This is the first resource that significantly changed my life!  I recommend to start here!


Learn what your ego is, learn about the “painbody” and how to drop/banish them!!   Eckhart Tolle – “The Power of Now” – a book which changed my life!


Ayn Rand – “The Virtue of Selfishness” – this entire book is basically about one simple concept, which is:  “YOU are the most important person.”   Ayn explain that being “selfish” means caring about YOURSELF.  It’s a long book which gives endless examples of how this all works out in life, and it shows how being “selfish” is actually best not just for you, but also everybody else as well.


Be aware of all the propaganda out there!  The news exists mostly to make you afraid, and fearful.  Once you are fearful, you are at the lowest vibrational level, and you lose all personal power.  I stopped watching the news LONG ago.


The need to be “right” is ego.  Be aware of the “need to be right” in your life.  This is why they (society) invented sports, news, politics… etc.!   It’s so people are fighting.  Me vs. You.  Oh, religion, also.  I  have found that ALL religions have the most important things in COMMON, yet of course the way the “systems” are presented (though PEOPLE, always), it ends up in making people disagree and fight a lot.


Clear your thoughts and empty your mind.  Eckhardt Tolle talks about this a lot, of course, but the most valuable skill you can have is to NOT THINK.  Can you quiet your mind, for even 10 seconds?  Most likely not…  most people cannot…   But once you can do this, then a whole flood of higher energy and life-path messages come to you, easily and without effort.  You become more aligned to your higher life path!  Your intuition opens up!  And then when you “need” to think (i.e. function in society, of course), you are “aware” of your thought processes.


Every second counts – Time is meaningless, you can expand one second into one minute (relatively), but only when you can clear your mind.  Clear your mind and just spend time with YOU, your spirit, your soul.  Be one with yourself.  Can you clean dirty dishes or clean the toilet and be in bliss?  Why not?  It’s all a choice, a way of thinking.


Be grateful.  Feel gratitude.   When you feel gratitude then you cannot feel any other negative emotions at the same time.  Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations there is!  This FREE technique will take you far!  Perhaps it’s the only thing you really need to do to find happiness!?


Remember that EVERYTHING COMES FROM INSIDE.  Stop looking for the answers “outside of yourself” for everything.  Ironically (and maybe I’m one of very few energy facilitators/healers to state this explicitly!), this also applies to positive things such as receiving energy sessions, physical massages, life advice, etc.  DON’T GET ME WRONG, those things are desirable when needed!  For example, we live a physical life, and if you do sports, exercise, etc., you might get tight muscles that benefit from a physical massage.  We need to eat and drink, after all, right?  So we can’t 100% transcend the physical world (until we die, that is), nor should we… we are supposed to live in this physical realm and enjoy it.  So, the goal is to “phase out” external stuff.  For me, a “red flag” is when people offer “immediate and overnight miracles” and charge large amounts of money for them.  From experience, I have seen people pay huge amounts of money for the following (and I don’t personally think they are good):  Magic “spells,” Subliminal recordings, energy “machines” which are supposed to be amazing and work in a mechanical way to boost someone’s energy up.  I have even seen someone buy a piece of paper with dots and lines on it for $500 and they were told it was an “energy computer.”  I have also seen people pay hundreds of dollars for a paper with strings of numbers on it, which are supposed to be “secret energy codes” that they can write on their arm to have superhuman powers.  I’ve also seen someone buy a ring, a necklace, a bracelet, for over $20,000, with the promise that they could have superhuman powers (including flying through the air)… and this “jewelry” was NOT made out of gold or silver, by the way, and it also did not have any precious stones, etc. on it.  Unfortunately there are a lot of scammers out there!  Some psychics are real, but most are fakes.  Many (if not most) have a word document with pre-written paragraphs which they cut & paste to clients, giving them fake readings.  Subliminal videos on youtube may be “free” – but are they really??  Who made it? What is their motivation?  And oh, what are the subliminal messages REALLY saying?  What if they are telling you that you are feeling sick and tired and that you need to then pay for their “feel healthy” subliminal recording?